zhihu.me 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json

from .common import *
from .author import Author

[文档]class Me(Author): """封装了相关操作(如点赞,关注问题)的类。 请使用 :meth:`.ZhihuClient.me` 方法获取实例。 """ def __init__(self, url, name, motto, photo_url, session): super(Me, self).__init__(url, name, motto, photo_url=photo_url, session=session)
[文档] def vote(self, something, vote='up'): """给答案或文章点赞或取消点赞 :param Answer/Post something: 需要点赞的答案或文章对象 :param str vote: ===== ================ ====== 取值 说明 默认值 ===== ================ ====== up 赞同 √ down 反对 X clear 既不赞同也不反对 X ===== ================ ====== :return: 成功返回True,失败返回False :rtype: bool """ from .answer import Answer from zhihu import Post if isinstance(something, Answer): mapping = { 'up': 'vote_up', 'clear': 'vote_neutral', 'down': 'vote_down' } if vote not in mapping.keys(): raise ValueError('Invalid vote value: {0}'.format(vote)) if something.author.url == self.url: return False params = {'answer_id': str(something.aid)} data = { '_xsrf': something.xsrf, 'method': mapping[vote], 'params': json.dumps(params) } headers = dict(Default_Header) headers['Referer'] = something.question.url[:-1] res = self._session.post(Upvote_Answer_Url, headers=headers, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0 elif isinstance(something, Post): mapping = { 'up': 'like', 'clear': 'none', 'down': 'dislike' } if vote not in mapping.keys(): raise ValueError('Invalid vote value: {0}'.format(vote)) if something.author.url == self.url: return False put_url = Upvote_Article_Url.format( something.column_in_name, something.slug) data = {'value': mapping[vote]} headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8', 'Host': 'zhuanlan.zhihu.com', 'Referer': something.url[:-1], 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; ' 'rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0', 'X-XSRF-TOKEN': self._session.cookies.get('XSRF-TOKEN') } res = self._session.put(put_url, json.dumps(data), headers=headers) return res.status_code == 204 else: raise ValueError('argument something need to be ' 'zhihu.Answer or zhihu.Post object.')
[文档] def thanks(self, answer, thanks=True): """感谢或取消感谢回答 :param Answer answer: 要感谢或取消感谢的回答 :param thanks: True-->感谢,False-->取消感谢 :return: 成功返回True,失败返回False :rtype: bool """ from .answer import Answer if isinstance(answer, Answer) is False: raise ValueError('argument answer need to be Zhihu.Answer object.') if answer.author.url == self.url: return False data = { '_xsrf': answer.xsrf, 'aid': answer.aid } res = self._session.post(Thanks_Url if thanks else Cancel_Thanks_Url, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0
[文档] def follow(self, something, follow=True): """关注用户、问题、话题或收藏夹 :param Author/Question/Topic something: 需要关注的对象 :param bool follow: True-->关注,False-->取消关注 :return: 成功返回True,失败返回False :rtype: bool """ from .question import Question from .topic import Topic from .collection import Collection if isinstance(something, Author): if something.url == self.url: return False data = { '_xsrf': something.xsrf, 'method': ' follow_member' if follow else 'unfollow_member', 'params': json.dumps({'hash_id': something.hash_id}) } res = self._session.post(Follow_Author_Url, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0 elif isinstance(something, Question): data = { '_xsrf': something.xsrf, 'method': 'follow_question' if follow else 'unfollow_question', 'params': json.dumps({'question_id': str(something.qid)}) } res = self._session.post(Follow_Question_Url, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0 elif isinstance(something, Topic): data = { '_xsrf': something.xsrf, 'method': 'follow_topic' if follow else 'unfollow_topic', 'params': json.dumps({'topic_id': something.tid}) } res = self._session.post(Follow_Topic_Url, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0 elif isinstance(something, Collection): data = { '_xsrf': something.xsrf, 'favlist_id': something.cid } res = self._session.post( Follow_Collection_Url if follow else Unfollow_Collection_Url, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0 else: raise ValueError('argument something need to be ' 'zhihu.Author, zhihu.Question' ', Zhihu.Topic or Zhihu.Collection object.')
[文档] def add_comment(self, answer, content): """给指定答案添加评论 :param Answer answer: 答案对象 :param string content: 评论内容 :return: 成功返回 True,失败返回 False :rtype: bool """ from .answer import Answer if isinstance(answer, Answer) is False: raise ValueError('argument answer need to be Zhihu.Answer object.') if not content: raise ValueError('answer content cannot be empty') data = { 'method': 'add_comment', 'params': json.dumps({'answer_id': answer.aid, 'content': content}), '_xsrf': answer.xsrf } res = self._session.post(Answer_Add_Comment_URL, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0
[文档] def send_message(self, author, content): """发送私信给一个用户 :param Author author: 接收私信用户对象 :param string content: 发送给用户的私信内容 :return: 成功返回 True,失败返回 False :rtype: bool """ if isinstance(author, Author) is False: raise ValueError('argument answer need to be Zhihu.Author object.') if not content: raise ValueError('answer content cannot be empty') if author.url == self.url: return False data = { 'member_id': author.hash_id, 'content': content, 'token': '', '_xsrf': author.xsrf } res = self._session.post(Send_Message_Url, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0
[文档] def block(self, something, block=True): """屏蔽某个用户、话题 :param Author/Topic something: :param block: True-->屏蔽,False-->取消屏蔽 :return: 成功返回 True,失败返回 False :rtype: bool """ from .topic import Topic if isinstance(something, Author): if something.url == self.url: return False data = { '_xsrf': something.xsrf, 'action': 'add' if block else 'cancel', } block_author_url = something.url + 'block' res = self._session.post(block_author_url, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0 elif isinstance(something, Topic): tid = something.tid data = { '_xsrf': something.xsrf, 'method': 'add' if block else 'del', 'tid': tid, } block_topic_url = 'http://www.zhihu.com/topic/ignore' res = self._session.post(block_topic_url, data=data) return res.status_code == 200 else: raise ValueError('argument something need to be ' 'Zhihu.Author or Zhihu.Topic object.')
[文档] def unhelpful(self, answer, unhelpful=True): """没有帮助或取消没有帮助回答 :param Answer answer: 要没有帮助或取消没有帮助回答 :param unhelpful: True-->没有帮助,False-->取消没有帮助 :return: 成功返回 True,失败返回 False :rtype: bool """ from .answer import Answer if isinstance(answer, Answer) is False: raise ValueError('argument answer need to be Zhihu.Answer object.') if answer.author.url == self.url: return False data = { '_xsrf': answer.xsrf, 'aid': answer.aid } res = self._session.post(Unhelpful_Url if unhelpful else Cancel_Unhelpful_Url, data=data) return res.json()['r'] == 0