zhihu.author 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json

from .base import BaseZhihu
from .common import *

class BanException(Exception):

[文档]class Author(BaseZhihu): """用户类,请使用``ZhihuClient.answer``方法构造对象.""" @class_common_init(re_author_url, True)
[文档] def __init__(self, url, name=None, motto=None, follower_num=None, question_num=None, answer_num=None, upvote_num=None, thank_num=None, photo_url=None, session=None): """创建用户类实例. :param str url: 用户主页url,形如 http://www.zhihu.com/people/7sdream :param str name: 用户名字,可选 :param str motto: 用户简介,可选 :param int follower_num: 用户粉丝数,可选 :param int question_num: 用户提问数,可选 :param int answer_num: 用户答案数,可选 :param int upvote_num: 用户获得赞同数,可选 :param int thank_num: 用户获得感谢数,可选 :param str photo_url: 用户头像地址,可选 :param Session session: 使用的网络会话,为空则使用新会话。 :return: 用户对象 :rtype: Author """ self.url = url self._session = session self.card = None self._nav_list = None self._name = name self._motto = motto self._follower_num = follower_num self._question_num = question_num self._answer_num = answer_num self._upvote_num = upvote_num self._thank_num = thank_num self._photo_url = photo_url
def _gen_soup(self, content): self.soup = BeautifulSoup(content) ban_title = self.soup.find("div", class_="ProfileBan-title") if ban_title is not None: raise BanException(ban_title.text) self._nav_list = self.soup.find( 'div', class_='profile-navbar').find_all('a') def _make_card(self): if self.card is None and self.url is not None: params = {'url_token': self.id} real_params = {'params': json.dumps(params)} r = self._session.get(Get_Profile_Card_URL, params=real_params) self.card = BeautifulSoup(r.content) @property def id(self): """获取用户id,就是网址最后那一部分. :return: 用户id :rtype: str """ return re.match(r'^.*/([^/]+)/$', self.url).group(1) \ if self.url is not None else '' @property @check_soup('_xsrf') def xsrf(self): """获取知乎的反xsrf参数(用不到就忽视吧~) :return: xsrf参数 :rtype: str """ return self.soup.find('input', attrs={'name': '_xsrf'})['value'] @property @check_soup('_hash_id') def hash_id(self): """获取作者的内部hash id(用不到就忽视吧~) :return: 用户hash id :rtype: str """ div = self.soup.find('div', class_='zm-profile-header-op-btns') if div is not None: return div.button['data-id'] else: ga = self.soup.find('script', attrs={'data-name': 'ga_vars'}) return json.loads(ga.text)['user_hash'] @property @check_soup('_name', '_make_card') def name(self): """获取用户名字. :return: 用户名字 :rtype: str """ if self.url is None: return '匿名用户' if self.soup is not None: return self.soup.find('div', class_='title-section').span.text else: assert self.card is not None return self.card.find('span', class_='name').text @property @check_soup('_motto', '_make_card') def motto(self): """获取用户自我介绍,由于历史原因,我还是把这个属性叫做motto吧. :return: 用户自我介绍 :rtype: str """ if self.url is None: return '' else: if self.soup is not None: bar = self.soup.find( 'div', class_='title-section') if len(bar.contents) < 4: return '' else: return bar.contents[3].text else: assert self.card is not None motto = self.card.find('div', class_='tagline') return motto.text if motto is not None else '' @property @check_soup('_photo_url', '_make_card') def photo_url(self): """获取用户头像图片地址. :return: 用户头像url :rtype: str """ if self.url is not None: if self.soup is not None: img = self.soup.find('img', class_='Avatar Avatar--l')['src'] return img.replace('_l', '_r') else: assert (self.card is not None) return PROTOCOL + self.card.img['src'].replace('_xs', '_r') else: return 'http://pic1.zhimg.com/da8e974dc_r.jpg' @property @check_soup('_followee_num') def followee_num(self): """获取关注了多少人. :return: 关注的人数 :rtype: int """ if self.url is None: return 0 else: number = int(self.soup.find( 'div', class_='zm-profile-side-following').a.strong.text) return number @property @check_soup('_follower_num') def follower_num(self): """获取追随者数量,就是关注此人的人数. :return: 追随者数量 :rtype: int """ if self.url is None: return 0 else: number = int(self.soup.find( 'div', class_='zm-profile-side-following zg-clear').find_all( 'a')[1].strong.text) return number @property @check_soup('_upvote_num') def upvote_num(self): """获取收到的的赞同数量. :return: 收到的的赞同数量 :rtype: int """ if self.url is None: return 0 else: number = int(self.soup.find( 'span', class_='zm-profile-header-user-agree').strong.text) return number @property @check_soup('_thank_num') def thank_num(self): """获取收到的感谢数量. :return: 收到的感谢数量 :rtype: int """ if self.url is None: return 0 else: number = int(self.soup.find( 'span', class_='zm-profile-header-user-thanks').strong.text) return number @property @check_soup('_weibo_url') def weibo_url(self): """获取用户微博链接. :return: 微博链接地址,如没有则返回 ‘unknown’ :rtype: str """ if self.url is None: return None else: tmp = self.soup.find( 'a', class_='zm-profile-header-user-weibo') return tmp['href'] if tmp is not None else 'unknown' @property def business(self): """用户的行业. :return: 用户的行业,如没有则返回 ‘unknown’ :rtype: str """ return self._find_user_profile('business') @property def location(self): """用户的所在地. :return: 用户的所在地,如没有则返回 ‘unknown’ :rtype: str """ return self._find_user_profile('location') @property def education(self): """用户的教育状况. :return: 用户的教育状况,如没有则返回 ‘unknown’ :rtype: str """ return self._find_user_profile('education') def _find_user_profile(self, t): self._make_soup() if self.url is None: return 'unknown' else: res = self.soup.find( 'span', class_=t) if res and res.has_attr('title'): return res['title'] else: return 'unknown' @property @check_soup('_gender') def gender(self): """用户的性别. :return: 用户的性别(male/female/unknown) :rtype: str """ if self.url is None: return 'unknown' else: return 'female' \ if self.soup.find('i', class_='icon-profile-female') \ else 'male' @property @check_soup('_question_num') def question_num(self): """获取提问数量. :return: 提问数量 :rtype: int """ if self.url is None: return 0 else: return int(self._nav_list[1].span.text) @property @check_soup('_answer_num') def answer_num(self): """获取答案数量. :return: 答案数量 :rtype: int """ if self.url is None: return 0 else: return int(self._nav_list[2].span.text) @property @check_soup('_post_num') def post_num(self): """获取专栏文章数量. :return: 专栏文章数量 :rtype: int """ if self.url is None: return 0 else: return int(self._nav_list[3].span.text) @property @check_soup('_collection_num') def collection_num(self): """获取收藏夹数量. :return: 收藏夹数量 :rtype: int """ if self.url is None: return 0 else: return int(self._nav_list[4].span.text) @property @check_soup('_followed_column_num') def followed_column_num(self): """获取用户关注的专栏数 :return: 关注的专栏数 :rtype: int """ if self.url is not None: tag = self.soup.find('div', class_='zm-profile-side-columns') if tag is not None: return int(re_get_number.match( tag.parent.strong.text).group(1)) return 0 @property @check_soup('_followed_topic_num') def followed_topic_num(self): """获取用户关注的话题数 :return: 关注的话题数 :rtype: int """ if self.url is not None: tag = self.soup.find('div', class_='zm-profile-side-topics') if tag is not None: return int(re_get_number.match( tag.parent.strong.text).group(1)) return 0 @property def questions(self): """获取用户的所有问题. :return: 用户的所有问题,返回生成器. :rtype: Question.Iterable """ from .question import Question if self.url is None or self.question_num == 0: return for page_index in range(1, (self.question_num - 1) // 20 + 2): html = self._session.get( self.url + 'asks?page=' + str(page_index)).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html) question_links = soup.find_all('a', class_='question_link') question_datas = soup.find_all( 'div', class_='zm-profile-section-main') for link, data in zip(question_links, question_datas): url = Zhihu_URL + link['href'] title = link.text.strip() answer_num = int( re_get_number.match(data.div.contents[4]).group(1)) follower_num = int( re_get_number.match(data.div.contents[6]).group(1)) q = Question(url, title, follower_num, answer_num, session=self._session) yield q @property def answers(self): """获取用户的所有答案. :return: 用户所有答案,返回生成器. :rtype: Answer.Iterable """ from .question import Question from .answer import Answer if self.url is None or self.answer_num == 0: return for page_index in range(1, (self.answer_num - 1) // 20 + 2): html = self._session.get( self.url + 'answers?page=' + str(page_index)).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html) questions = soup.find_all('a', class_='question_link') upvotes = soup.find_all('a', class_='zm-item-vote-count') for q, upvote in zip(questions, upvotes): answer_url = Zhihu_URL + q['href'] question_url = Zhihu_URL + re_a2q.match(q['href']).group(1) question_title = q.text upvote_num = upvote.text if upvote_num.isdigit(): upvote_num = int(upvote_num) else: upvote_num = None question = Question(question_url, question_title, session=self._session) yield Answer(answer_url, question, self, upvote_num, session=self._session) @property def followers(self): """获取关注此用户的人. :return: 关注此用户的人,返回生成器 :rtype: Author.Iterable """ for x in self._follow_ee_ers('er'): yield x @property def followees(self): """获取用户关注的人. :return: 用户关注的人的,返回生成器 :rtype: Author.Iterable """ for x in self._follow_ee_ers('ee'): yield x
[文档] def followers_skip(self, skip): """获取关注此用户的人,跳过前 skip 个用户。 :return: 关注此用户的人,返回生成器 :rtype: Author.Iterable """ for x in self._follow_ee_ers('er', skip): yield x
[文档] def followees_skip(self, skip): """获取用户关注的人,跳过前 skip 个用户。 :return: 用户关注的人的,返回生成器 :rtype: Author.Iterable """ for x in self._follow_ee_ers('ee', skip): yield x
def _follow_ee_ers(self, t, skip=0): if self.url is None: return if t == 'er': request_url = Author_Get_More_Followers_URL else: request_url = Author_Get_More_Followees_URL self._make_card() if self.hash_id is None: self._make_soup() headers = dict(Default_Header) headers['Referer'] = self.url + 'follow' + t + 's' params = {"order_by": "created", "offset": 0, "hash_id": self.hash_id} data = {'_xsrf': self.xsrf, 'method': 'next', 'params': ''} gotten_date_num = 20 offset = skip while gotten_date_num == 20: params['offset'] = offset data['params'] = json.dumps(params) res = self._session.post(request_url, data=data, headers=headers) json_data = res.json() gotten_date_num = len(json_data['msg']) offset += gotten_date_num for html in json_data['msg']: soup = BeautifulSoup(html) h2 = soup.find('h2') author_name = h2.a.text author_url = h2.a['href'] author_motto = soup.find('span', class_='bio').text author_photo = PROTOCOL + soup.a.img['src'].replace('_m', '_r') numbers = [ int(re_get_number.match(x.text).group(1)) for x in soup.find_all('a', class_="zg-link-gray-normal") ] try: yield Author(author_url, author_name, author_motto, *numbers, photo_url=author_photo, session=self._session) except ValueError: # invalid url yield ANONYMOUS @property def collections(self): """获取用户收藏夹. :return: 用户收藏夹,返回生成器 :rtype: Collection.Iterable """ from .collection import Collection if self.url is None or self.collection_num == 0: return else: collection_num = self.collection_num for page_index in range(1, (collection_num - 1) // 20 + 2): html = self._session.get( self.url + 'collections?page=' + str(page_index)).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html) collections_names = soup.find_all( 'a', class_='zm-profile-fav-item-title') collection_follower_nums = soup.find_all( 'div', class_='zm-profile-fav-bio') for c, f in zip(collections_names, collection_follower_nums): c_url = Zhihu_URL + c['href'] c_name = c.text c_fn = int(re_get_number.match(f.contents[2]).group(1)) yield Collection(c_url, self, c_name, c_fn, session=self._session) @property def columns(self): """获取用户专栏. :return: 用户专栏,返回生成器 :rtype: Column.Iterable """ from .column import Column if self.url is None or self.post_num == 0: return soup = BeautifulSoup(self._session.get(self.url + 'posts').text) column_list = soup.find('div', class_='column-list') column_tags = column_list.find_all('div', class_='item') for column_tag in column_tags: name = column_tag['title'] url = column_tag['data-href'] numbers = column_tag.find('span', class_='des').text.split('•') follower_num = int(re_get_number.match(numbers[0]).group(1)) if len(numbers) == 1: post_num = 0 else: post_num = int( re_get_number.match(numbers[1]).group(1)) yield Column(url, name, follower_num, post_num, session=self._session) @property def followed_columns(self): """获取用户关注的专栏. :return: 用户关注的专栏,返回生成器 :rtype: Column.Iterable """ from .column import Column if self.url is None: return if self.followed_column_num > 0: tag = self.soup.find('div', class_='zm-profile-side-columns') if tag is not None: for a in tag.find_all('a'): yield Column(a['href'], a.img['alt'], session=self._session) if self.followed_column_num > 7: offset = 7 gotten_data_num = 20 while gotten_data_num == 20: params = { 'hash_id': self.hash_id, 'limit': 20, 'offset': offset } data = { 'method': 'next', '_xsrf': self.xsrf, 'params': json.dumps(params) } j = self._session.post(Author_Get_More_Follow_Column_URL, data=data).json() gotten_data_num = len(j['msg']) offset += gotten_data_num for msg in map(BeautifulSoup, j['msg']): name = msg.strong.text url = msg.a['href'] post_num = int(re_get_number.match( msg.span.text).group(1)) yield Column(url, name, post_num=post_num, session=self._session) @property def followed_topics(self): """获取用户关注的话题. :return: 用户关注的话题,返回生成器 :rtype: Topic.Iterable """ from .topic import Topic if self.url is None: return if self.followed_topic_num > 0: tag = self.soup.find('div', class_='zm-profile-side-topics') if tag is not None: for a in tag.find_all('a'): yield Topic(Zhihu_URL + a['href'], a.img['alt'], session=self._session) if self.followed_topic_num > 7: offset = 7 gotten_data_num = 20 while gotten_data_num == 20: data = {'start': 0, 'offset': offset, '_xsrf': self.xsrf} j = self._session.post( Author_Get_More_Follow_Topic_URL.format(self.id), data=data).json() gotten_data_num = j['msg'][0] offset += gotten_data_num topic_item = BeautifulSoup(j['msg'][1]).find_all( 'div', class_='zm-profile-section-item') for div in topic_item: name = div.strong.text url = Zhihu_URL + div.a['href'] yield Topic(url, name, session=self._session) @property def activities(self): """获取用户的最近动态. :return: 最近动态,返回生成器,具体说明见 :class:`.Activity` :rtype: Activity.Iterable """ from .activity import Activity if self.url is None: return gotten_feed_num = 20 start = '0' api_url = self.url + 'activities' while gotten_feed_num == 20: data = {'_xsrf': self.xsrf, 'start': start} res = self._session.post(api_url, data=data) gotten_feed_num = res.json()['msg'][0] soup = BeautifulSoup(res.json()['msg'][1]) acts = soup.find_all( 'div', class_='zm-profile-section-item zm-item clearfix') start = acts[-1]['data-time'] if len(acts) > 0 else 0 for act in acts: # --- ignore Round Table temporarily --- if act.attrs['data-type-detail'] == "member_follow_roundtable": continue # --- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- yield Activity(act, self._session, self) @property def last_activity_time(self): """获取用户最后一次活动的时间 :return: 用户最后一次活动的时间,返回值为 unix 时间戳 :rtype: int """ self._make_soup() act = self.soup.find( 'div', class_='zm-profile-section-item zm-item clearfix') return int(act['data-time']) if act is not None else -1
[文档] def is_zero_user(self): """返回当前用户是否为三零用户,其实是四零: 赞同0,感谢0,提问0,回答0. :return: 是否是三零用户 :rtype: bool """ return self.upvote_num + self.thank_num + \ self.question_num + self.answer_num == 0
class _Anonymous: def __init__(self): self.name = "匿名用户" self.url = '' ANONYMOUS = _Anonymous() """匿名用户常量,通过 ``zhihu.ANONYMOUS`` 访问。 提问者、回答者、点赞者、问题关注者、评论者都可能是 ``ANONYMOUS`` """