zhihu.answer 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
from datetime import datetime

from .common import *
from .base import BaseZhihu
from .collection import Collection
from .author import Author, ANONYMOUS

[文档]class Answer(BaseZhihu): """答案类,请使用``ZhihuClient.answer``方法构造对象.""" @class_common_init(re_ans_url)
[文档] def __init__(self, url, question=None, author=None, upvote_num=None, content=None, session=None): """创建答案类实例. :param str url: 答案url :param Question question: 答案所在的问题对象,可选 :param Author author: 答案回答者对象,可选 :param int upvote_num: 答案赞同数量,可选 :param str content: 答案内容,可选 :param Session session: 使用的网络会话,为空则使用新会话 :return: 答案对象 :rtype: Answer """ self.url = url self._session = session self._question = question self._author = author self._upvote_num = upvote_num self._content = content self._deleted = None
@property def id(self): """答案的id :return: 答案id :rtype: int """ return int(re.match(r'.*/(\d+)/$', self.url).group(1)) @property @check_soup('_xsrf') def xsrf(self): """获取知乎的反xsrf参数(用不到就忽视吧~) :return: xsrf参数 :rtype: str """ return self.soup.find('input', attrs={'name': '_xsrf'})['value'] @property @check_soup('_aid') def aid(self): """获取答案的内部id,某些POST操作需要此参数 :return: 答案内部id :rtype: str """ return int(self.soup.find('div', class_='zm-item-answer')['data-aid']) @property @check_soup('_html') def html(self): """获取网页源码 :return: 网页源码 :rtype: str """ return self.soup.prettify() @property @check_soup('_author') def author(self): """获取答案作者. :return: 答案作者 :rtype: Author """ from .author import Author author = self.soup.find('div', class_='zm-item-answer-author-info') url, name, motto, photo = parser_author_from_tag(author) if name == '匿名用户': return ANONYMOUS else: return Author(url, name, motto, photo_url=photo, session=self._session) @property @check_soup('_question') def question(self): """获取答案所在问题. :return: 答案所在问题 :rtype: Question """ from .question import Question question_link = self.soup.find( "h2", class_="zm-item-title").a url = Zhihu_URL + question_link["href"] title = question_link.text.strip() followers_num = int(self.soup.find( 'div', class_='zh-question-followers-sidebar').div.a.strong.text) answers_num = int(re_get_number.match(self.soup.find( 'div', class_='zh-answers-title').h3.a.text).group(1)) return Question(url, title, followers_num, answers_num, session=self._session) @property @check_soup('_upvote_num') def upvote_num(self): """获取答案赞同数量. :return: 答案赞同数量 :rtype: int """ return int(self.soup.find( 'div', class_='zm-item-vote-info')['data-votecount']) @property def upvoters(self): """获取答案点赞用户,返回生成器. :return: 点赞用户 :rtype: Author.Iterable """ self._make_soup() next_req = '/answer/' + str(self.aid) + '/voters_profile' while next_req != '': data = self._session.get(Zhihu_URL + next_req).json() next_req = data['paging']['next'] for html in data['payload']: soup = BeautifulSoup(html) yield self._parse_author_soup(soup) @property @check_soup('_content') def content(self): """以处理过的Html代码形式返回答案内容. :return: 答案内容 :rtype: str """ answer_wrap = self.soup.find('div', id='zh-question-answer-wrap') content = answer_wrap.find('div', class_='zm-editable-content') content = answer_content_process(content) return content @property @check_soup('_creation_time') def creation_time(self): """获取答案创建时间 :return: 答案创建时间 :rtype: datetime.datetime """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(self.soup.find( 'div', class_='zm-item-answer')['data-created'])) @property @check_soup('_collect_num') def collect_num(self): """获取答案收藏数 :return: 答案收藏数量 :rtype: int """ element = self.soup.find("a", { "data-za-a": "click_answer_collected_count" }) if element is None: return 0 else: return int(element.get_text()) @property def collections(self): """获取包含该答案的收藏夹 :return: 包含该答案的收藏夹 :rtype: Collection.Iterable collect_num 未必等于 len(collections),比如: https://www.zhihu.com/question/20064699/answer/13855720 显示被收藏 38 次,但只有 30 个收藏夹 """ import time gotten_feed_num = 20 offset = 0 data = { 'method':'next', '_xsrf': self.xsrf } while gotten_feed_num >= 10: data['params'] = "{\"answer_url\": %d,\"offset\": %d}" % (self.id, offset) res = self._session.post(url=Get_Collection_Url, data=data) gotten_feed_num = len(res.json()['msg']) offset += gotten_feed_num soup = BeautifulSoup(''.join(res.json()['msg'])) for zm_item in soup.find_all('div', class_='zm-item'): url = Zhihu_URL + zm_item.h2.a['href'] name = zm_item.h2.a.text links = zm_item.div.find_all('a') owner = Author(links[0]['href'], session=self._session) follower_num = int(links[1].text.split()[0]) yield Collection(url, owner=owner, name=name, follower_num=follower_num, session=self._session) time.sleep(0.2) # prevent from posting too quickly
[文档] def save(self, filepath=None, filename=None, mode="html"): """保存答案为Html文档或markdown文档. :param str filepath: 要保存的文件所在的目录, 不填为当前目录下以问题标题命名的目录, 设为"."则为当前目录。 :param str filename: 要保存的文件名, 不填则默认为 所在问题标题 - 答主名.html/md。 如果文件已存在,自动在后面加上数字区分。 **自定义文件名时请不要输入后缀 .html 或 .md。** :param str mode: 保存类型,可选 `html` 、 `markdown` 、 `md` 。 :return: 无 :rtype: None """ if mode not in ["html", "md", "markdown"]: raise ValueError("`mode` must be 'html', 'markdown' or 'md'," " got {0}".format(mode)) file = get_path(filepath, filename, mode, self.question.title, self.question.title + '-' + self.author.name) with open(file, 'wb') as f: if mode == "html": f.write(self.content.encode('utf-8')) else: import html2text h2t = html2text.HTML2Text() h2t.body_width = 0 f.write(h2t.handle(self.content).encode('utf-8'))
def _parse_author_soup(self, soup): from .author import Author, ANONYMOUS author_tag = soup.find('div', class_='body') if author_tag.string is None: author_name = author_tag.div.a['title'] author_url = author_tag.div.a['href'] author_motto = author_tag.div.span.text photo_url = PROTOCOL + soup.a.img['src'].replace('_m', '_r') numbers_tag = soup.find_all('li') numbers = [int(re_get_number.match(x.get_text()).group(1)) for x in numbers_tag] # noinspection PyTypeChecker return Author(author_url, author_name, author_motto, None, numbers[2], numbers[3], numbers[0], numbers[1], photo_url, session=self._session) else: return ANONYMOUS @property @check_soup('_comment_num') def comment_num(self): """ :return: 答案下评论的数量 :rtype: int """ comment = self.soup.select_one("div.answer-actions a.toggle-comment") comment_num_string = comment.text number = comment_num_string.split()[0] return int(number) if number.isdigit() else 0 @property def comments(self): """获取答案下的所有评论. :return: 答案下的所有评论,返回生成器 :rtype: Comments.Iterable """ import math from .author import Author, ANONYMOUS from .comment import Comment api_url = Get_Answer_Comment_URL.format(self.aid) page = pages = 1 while page <= pages: res = self._session.get(api_url + '?page=' + str(page)) if page == 1: total = int(res.json()['paging']['totalCount']) if total == 0: return pages = math.ceil(total / 30) page += 1 comment_items = res.json()['data'] for comment_item in comment_items: comment_id = comment_item['id'] content = comment_item['content'] upvote_num = comment_item['likesCount'] time_string = comment_item['createdTime'][:19] time = datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if comment_item['author'].get('url') is not None: a_url = comment_item['author']['url'] a_name = comment_item['author']['name'] photo_url_tmp = comment_item['author']['avatar']['template'] photo_url_id = comment_item['author']['avatar']['id'] a_photo_url = photo_url_tmp.replace( '{id}', photo_url_id).replace('_{size}', '') author_obj = Author(a_url, a_name, photo_url=a_photo_url, session=self._session) else: author_obj = ANONYMOUS yield Comment(comment_id, self, author_obj, upvote_num, content, time) @property def latest_comments(self): """获取答案下的所有评论。较新的评论先返回。 使用该方法比 ``reversed(list(answer.comments))`` 效率高 因为现在靠后的热门评论会被挪到前面,所以返回的评论未必严格满足时间先后关系 :return: 答案下的所有评论,返回生成器 :rtype: Comments.Iterable """ import math from .author import Author, ANONYMOUS from .comment import Comment if self.comment_num == 0: return pages = math.ceil(self.comment_num / 30) api_url = Get_Answer_Comment_URL.format(self.aid) for page in range(pages, 0, -1): res = self._session.get(api_url + '?page=' + str(page)) comment_items = res.json()['data'] for comment_item in reversed(comment_items): comment_id = comment_item['id'] content = comment_item['content'] upvote_num = comment_item['likesCount'] time_string = comment_item['createdTime'][:19] time = datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if comment_item['author'].get('url') != None: a_url = comment_item['author']['url'] a_name = comment_item['author']['name'] photo_url_tmp = comment_item['author']['avatar']['template'] photo_url_id = comment_item['author']['avatar']['id'] a_photo_url = photo_url_tmp.replace( '{id}', photo_url_id).replace('_{size}', '') author_obj = Author(a_url, a_name, photo_url=a_photo_url, session=self._session) else: author_obj = ANONYMOUS yield Comment(comment_id, self, author_obj, upvote_num, content, time)
[文档] def refresh(self): """刷新 Answer object 的属性. 例如赞同数增加了, 先调用 ``refresh()`` 再访问 upvote_num属性, 可获得更新后的赞同数. :return: None """ super().refresh() self._html = None self._upvote_num = None self._content = None self._collect_num = None self._comment_num = None
@property @check_soup('_deleted') def deleted(self): """答案是否被删除, 被删除了返回 True, 为被删除返回 False :return: True or False """ return self._deleted